About Rasagullas
Rasgulls recipe Although the origin of this dish is highly debated in some circles, I do know that the famous Bengali rasgulla is a milk-based sweet.
For the rasagulla recipe, curd milk and whey are mixed into chena, which is basically fresh curd.
Soak the chena with some semolina, semolina or flour. Round balls are made of soaked chenna and then cooked in sugar syrup.
The final touch is the smell of sherbet or fragrant mango or rose water. The end result of this process is a pot full of delicious, syrupy cheese balls that are totally addictive.
How to make Rasagulla
Although this recipe is not too difficult, it still has a few steps. The rasgulla recipe is divided into four parts for easy reading;
As a side note, I cooked the chena and sugar syrup together to save time. You can prepare chenna balls first and then make sugar syrup if you feel extra.
Preperation of Rasgulls recipe

1. Pour 1 liter of milk in a saucepan and cook on medium-low flame.
Note: I used organic cow’s milk, which is low fat. If you use buffalo milk, it will be very smooth and have a mala/cream like consistency that floats to the top. Before making Chena, you need to remove the thickness of the garland.
2. While the milk is heating, line a mesh strainer or strainer with cheesecloth or cloth.Keep adding milk occasionally. This helps prevent foaming at the top and bottom due to heat. While the milk is boiling, reduce the flame. Add 1 to 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to it.
3. Start with just 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and stir well. If the milk is not completely thickened, add more. Keep lemon juice on hand so you can add more as needed.
Note: Depending on the quality of the milk, you may need additional acid to thicken the milk. You can also add vinegar instead of lemon juice. Another option is butter/yogurt. Add 4 to 5 tablespoons of curd (or more if needed).
1. Rasgulls recipe As soon as the milk thickens, switch off the flame. The milk should be completely thickened and you should see green watery whey.
2. Rasgulls recipe Wrap the milk in a cloth and take it in a sieve or bowl.
Tip: The serum is very strong, don’t throw it away! Add chapati, dal or curry to your meal.
4. Remove the flax seeds from the sides and wash the cottage cheese or condensed milk thoroughly under running water. This lowers the temperature of the chenna and removes the lemony and spicy flavor of the chenna.
Note: If you use curd/dill instead of lemon, you don’t need to wash the chenna in water.
5. Now squeeze the mustard powder well with your hands so that the excess water is absorbed from the chenna.Any excess moisture in chenna rasagulla will break down while cooking.Place heavy weight on Chenna for 7 to 8 minutes or hang for about 30 minutes.
6. Once the chenna is completely dry, remove the cheesecloth. Think of Chena like Goldilocks: it’s neither too wet nor too dry. The texture below is perfect!
Make Rasgulls recipe balls

7. Add 1 teaspoon of semolina, rava or semolina. Mine was thick, but a thin gava would work just as well. First mix semolina with chenna and start soaking.If there is water in the hand, you have too much water. You can add a little flour to make it moist.
8. Perceived. Alternatively, place a heavy weight on the chenna again to remove excess water or whey.If the chenna looks small and dry, it means you need some moisture. To fix this, sprinkle 1 to 2 tsp of water while kneading.
9. Knead the chenna with the help of palms. Continue to pick the chenna from the edge and keep kneading and kneading it.This process of kneading is very important and also determines the shape of the chena. When you feel like your palms are a little sticky, it’s time to stopRasgulls recipe .
10. All you need is a little lube. Avoid kneading too much so that the whole chenna becomes soft.I kneaded for about 10 minutes as I have very light hands. Depending on the quality of the chena and the pressure you apply while kneading, it may take more or less time.
Note: You can substitute all-purpose flour to bind the flour. For a gluten-free option, add 1 teaspoon of cornstarch instead of semolina or flour.
11. Knead until you get a soft chenna ball that comes together without breaking or separating. A close-up photo showing the texture of rice flour.Now cut the chenna into small pieces and place them between your palms and roll them into a soft round shape.
12. Rasgulls recipe Prepare all the balls in the same manner. A few fine cracks are visible on the chena ball. Don’t worry! This is normal. Cover the chena balls with a damp muslin or kitchen towel and set aside.
Make sugar syrup Rasgulls recipe
13. Take 2 cups of sugar in a large bowl.Add 4 cups of water (1 liter). Make sure you use a large pot or pan so that the rasagulla has enough room to cook and grow in size. You can also use a pressure cooker.
I used a pot about 8.5 inches in diameter and 4.5 inches high, about 3.5 liters.
Note: I used organic raw sugar, hence the golden color. White sugar works well too.
14. Heat the sugar solution on the stove over medium heat, stirring constantly, so that the sugar dissolves. You do not need to boil the solution.If the sugar solution contains impurities, proceed to the next step Rasgulls recipe.
Note: To save time, I grind the chenna and cook it with sugar syrup.
15. Add 1 tbsp of milk and stir. Adding milk removes impurities. If there are no impurities, there is no need to add milk and you can proceed directly to step 25.After heating the sugar solution, impurities begin to float to the surface. You can remove them with a spoon…
16. Or strain the dirt through a cheesecloth or cloth strainer. I like the way. Once the rasagulla is cooked add one cup sugar solution to it.Reserve another cup of the sugar solution in a serving bowl. Pour the remaining sugar solution (about 2.5 cups) into the same large pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Cook like Rasgulls recipe
17. Gently drop the rasagulla balls into the sugar solution. After mixing all the rasagullas in the sugar solution, gently shake the vessel. – Do not stir the rasagulla with a spoon.Cover with a lid and cook immediately. Keep the flame on medium or medium high.
18. After 4 minutes, open the lid and pour the remaining sugar solution into the bowl. Stir the pot Adding the reserved sugar solution ensures that the control and consistency of the sugar solution is maintained and that the sugar strings do not cook.
19. Rasgulls recipe Cover again and continue cooking. After 4 minutes, add the remaining cup of sugar solution. Cover again and cook for 2 minutes.Total rasgulla balls are cooked for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes they will have increased in size and ready.
How to know when rasagulla is best?
19. It will be cooked while you cook the rasagulla to check. Once the rasagulla is cooked well, switch off the flame and reduce the speed of the vessel.The cooking time of rasgullas varies depending on the thickness and quality of the dish; pot size; and heat intensity.
20. The time limit may be between 7 to 11 minutes. After 2 to 3 minutes you can add a cup of syrup for 4 minutes as well.I used a wide and deep pan with a thick bottom, so it took me a little longer to cook.
21. Rasagulla should be checked whether it is cooked in two ways?
• The first method is to keep the rasagulla in a bowl or glass of water. If the rasagulla sinks to the bottom and stays there, then the rasagulla is cooked.
• Another way is to press the rasagulla with your finger. If the pressed part returns to its original shape, the job is done.
He drank the rasagulla in syrup
27. Once cooked, spoon out each rasagulla and place in a serving bowl with the remaining 1 cup sugar solution. Cover and reserve.
28. Rasagulla Cook cooled sugar solution at hot temperature. Pour this sugar solution into a serving bowl.
29. When the whole mixture cools down, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of rose water to it. Stir gently. To enhance the taste of rasagulla, soak it in the syrup for about 30 minutes.
Tip: You need to add some flavor otherwise the rasagulla will taste milky. If it tastes milky, you can increase the amount of rose water or add 1 tsp of sandalwood powder.
Note: If you don’t have rose water, you can replace it with kewra water (panda water) or half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. You can also use rose water and sandalwood powder.
30. Now you can refrigerate the rasagulla and serve after cooling. I put them in an airtight container. Rasagulla is good for a week in the refrigerator. Do not store them at room temperature.
Storage and serving tips
While serving, the quantity of rasagulla in each bowl is also required. Pour a few tablespoons of sugar syrup into a serving bowl. If you like, garnish with some chopped nuts like almonds or pistachios.